
aHead Performance will enable you to deploy your optimum potential to reach your goals.

Our experience as athletes allows us to better understand your needs and objectives to help you reach new highs.

For athletes,
by athletes

Stress management


Self confidence


Coping with injuries

Group Dynamics

Goal setting

Career transition

Stress management


Self confidence


Coping with injuries

Group dynamics

Goal setting

Career transition

Our approach


  • Built with and for each athlete
  • Sessions can be dedicated in-person meetings, during training, or remote


  • Built for the team with the team
  • Sessions can be dedicated in-person meetings, during training, or remote

Bring mental preparation into your World!

Whether it be in a setting that is professional, artistic, or academic, mental preparation can help improve your performance and increase your well-being.

Learn the methods from leading athletes and leaders on how to manage emotions, perform optimally and reach your goals! We adapt tools to your needs and environment.

This approach can take place over several sessions, or in the form of a workshop day during a retreat or a green day.

Our modules

aHead Performance offers three types of services which can be adapted depending on our client and athletes’ needs.


Sessions are defined with the athlete for the athlete. They can take place in-presence in one of our offices, at training location, outside or remote.

The work with the athlete evolves depending on the athlete’s needs and is co-created.


Mental preparation work with teams aims to optimize social cohesion as well as operational cohesion. To improve chances of success in a common objective, the mental preparation team will focus on ways to improve each member’s commitment to the team, the team’s effectiveness as well as the wellbeing of each of the members.

Workshops and conferences

The types of workshops allow to exchange on a predefined theme. Several formats are possible depending on the subject matter chosen and the setting.

Our workshops are dynamic and engaging. It allows participants to develop mental aptitudes while sharing experiences.

The aHead
Performance Team

For athletes – by athletes

Loubna Freih

Frédérique Rol

Olivier Bertolde

For athletes.
By athletes.

Our Philosophy

For athletes – by athletes 

Three mental coaches with a common vision

To allow high performers to be prepared and in the best mental state possible to achieve your dreams, your projects and objectives.

Our experience as elite athletes allows for a better understanding of the stakes, pressure and difficulties that athletes can face in the practice of a sport. This helps us to put in place a mental preparation program that is adapted to each athlete.  We believe each athlete is unique and that there is no standardized approach to mental preparation

aHead Performance brings together the experience of three athletes who still compete or have competed in such varied sports as triathlon, skimo, running, cycling, horse-riding and rowing. We have competed at national, international and Olympic level. We are also active in different professional activities and in possession of a common university degree, a certificate of Advanced Studies CAS in mental preparation at University of Lausanne/EPFL.

This skillset enables us to offer a customized approach for each of aHead Performance’s follow up. We are individual members of the Swiss Association of Sports Psychology (SASP).

Our services are available in French and German parts of Switzerland, as well as the Rhône Alpes and in the Nice-Monaco region. We travel to where the athletes are based.

We work in French, English and German. We’re happy to come to Switzerland and other parts of France on request. 

Nos valeurs

Nous assurons dans notre accompagnement  :

They trust us

aHead Performance


During the first session we clarify expectations and objectives.  The athlete then decides whether to pursue the journey and a work program is developed with the number and frequency of sessions.

Mental preparation work begins with the athlete. For it to be beneficial, the athlete needs to be committed to the work and to feel at ease with the mental coach. Our approach is to make the athlete autonomous as quickly as possible.


This approach is dedicated to teams as well as for individual athletes working with their support staff.

The first session is used to identify the themes and issues, session format as well as tools and methods that will be used and conveyed to the staff and team.

The format can be regular sessions as well as one-day (or more) on-location workshops, such as during a training camp. We will adapt according to the team’s needs and availability.

In this collective approach, the work program aims to provide tools to benefit the whole team so that it becomes autonomous in practice.

This work can be held in parallel with individual sessions with team members.

Loubna Freih

For Loubna racing is above all else about self-discovery. In her forties, she becomes an elite triathlon athlete competing in several world championships.  She learned to manage training and high-level racing in ski-mountaineering (skimo), swimming, cycling and running. While training hard, she changes and optimizes seasons, muscle groups, and most important of all, her passions.

She likes long-distance racing. In 2019 she began the Ironman journey and won the Nice Ironman in 2022. That same year, she competed at the World Championships in St Georges, Utah, and in Kona, Hawaii, where she finished in the top ten. Loubna also enjoys skimo team racing in long-distance races such as La Patrouille des Glaciers, la Mezzalama, la Pierra Menta, where she is often on the podium. She has several races lined up for 2023. 

After years of coaching adolescents and young adults, and working in conflict resolution as a mediator, she decided to take the step to immerse completely in the world of sport racing and accompany other athletes in their career and enrolled at UNIL/EPFL to complete the CAS in mental preparation.

By bringing together her skills as a racer and coach, she works with athletes of all ages, and in all sports, both professionals and amateurs. Loubna believes in listening closely to the athletes’ needs, and to accompany them to best manage themselves to achieve their goals and enjoy a fulfilling career. She combines learned and tested mental preparation methods and tools with her professional and sport experiences. 

A mother of two grown-up children who also enjoys traveling, being with friends and advocating for human rights including for women in sports, issues of work-life balance, time management and our core set of values are important to her.   

Informations de contact

Frédérique Rol

Throughout her career as a rower, Frédérique had to manage the challenges of elite racing. How to combine performance and well-being? How to give the best of oneself while respecting her body and mind? How to best use all the resources she has? Why wanting to win? First she tried to come with the answers herself, then with the help of an intensive work in mental preparation, Frédérique discovers how vast and powerful mental force is. This work gave her tools and methods to be able to progress and qualify for the Olympics, perform there and enjoy the event and opportunity.  Sport is a good school of life! After graduating from the Tokyo Olympics, Frédérique decides to train in mental preparation so as to be able to help other athletes in their development. She continues her own Olympic rowing career with the for Paris 2024.

Her experience allows her to connect easily with athletes. She understands easily their demands and know how to best accompany them in their development. She helps each athlete to reach their full potential and optimize their resources. Frédérique proposes and offers methods and tools specific to each athlete.

Informations de contact

Olivier Bertolde

Ex-professional rider with over 35 years experience, including 20 years in national and international competitions.
Several selections for the french junior and Young Rider show-jumping teams.
High-level athlete status.
Preparation and development of young horses.
Coaching and support for riders at competitions.

At the same time, 20 years of professional experience as a director in various business sectors (Services, Energy, HR).
Mental coach, Graduated of UNIL/EPFL, since 2022.

Informations de contact

Olivier Bertolde

Ex Cavalier Professionnel avec plus de 35 ans de pratique dont 20 ans en compétitions, au niveau national et international. 
Plusieurs sélections en équipe de France Junior et Jeune Cavalier de saut d’obstacles. 
Statut d’athlète de haut niveau.
Préparation et valorisation de jeunes chevaux.
Coaching et accompagnement de cavaliers en compétitions. 
En parallèle, 20 ans d’expériences professionnelles en qualité de directeur dans différents secteurs d’activités (Services, Energies, RH)  
Préparateur Mental, Diplômé de L’UNIL/EPFL, depuis 2022. 

Informations de contact

Frédérique Rol

Tout au long de sa propre carrière sportive de rameuse, Frédérique apprend à gérer les enjeux du sport de haut niveau. Comment allier performance et bien-être? Comment donner le meilleur de soi-même tout en respectant son corps comme son esprit ? Comment utiliser au mieux toutes les ressources à disposition ? Pourquoi vouloir gagner ? D’abord en cherchant par elle-même, puis à l’aide d’un travail intensif en préparation mentale, Frédérique découvre de plus en plus l’ampleur et la force du mental. Ce travail lui apporte les outils et méthodes pour faire les progrès indispensables pour se qualifier pour les Jeux Olympiques et y délivrer ses meilleures performances tout en profitant de l’événement. Le sport est une belle école de vie ! Après un diplôme aux Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo, Frédérique décide de se former en tant que préparatrice mentale afin d’accompagner d’autres athlètes dans ce développement. Elle continue actuellement sa propre carrière olympique en se préparant avec la team-mero pour Paris 2024.

Son expérience lui permet de nouer facilement contact avec les athlètes. Elle comprend facilement leur demande et sait comment les accompagner au mieux dans leur développement. Elle aide chaque athlète à utiliser son plein potentiel et optimiser ses ressources. Frédérique propose et enseigne des méthodes et outils individualisés à chaque sportif.

Informations de contact

Loubna Freih

Pour Loubna, le sport est avant tout une rencontre avec soi-même. C’est passé la quarantaine que Loubna entre dans le sport élite mondial. Elle apprend à se préparer et gérer quatres sports différents : le ski alpinisme, la natation, le vélo et la course à pied, en optimisant les saisons, les différents climats, les groupes musculaires et surtout les envies. Se mettre dans la position d’apprentissage, rester flexible et humble et, surtout, s’amuser sont les clés de son succès.

L’endurance et les courses de longues distances lui plaisent et lui sourient. Elle entame l’aventure Ironman en 2019, freinée par le Covid, elle gagne en 2022 l’Ironman de Nice et, cette même année, se retrouve aux Championnats du monde dans l’Utah et à Hawaii. Les courses de ski alpinisme par équipe lui procurent le plaisir d’affronter les défis ensemble : Grande Patrouille, Mezzalama, Pierra Menta, elle attaque les Grandes Courses et les podiums. Tant qu’il y a du plaisir, elle continuera l’aventure

En alliant compétition et coaching d’athlètes de tous âges et sports, y compris dans les milieux professionnels, Loubna est dans l’écoute et la bienveillance afin de permettre aux athlètes de travailler leur performance sur le long terme et de dépasser leur potentiel.

En possession du CAS en préparation mentale pour athlètes de l’UNIL/EPFL, ainsi que Coach spécialisée chez les adolescents et jeunes adultes, Loubna cherche à vous accompagner afin de décupler vos forces, bétonner votre confiance et gérer le stress pour performer et mieux vivre votre passion, vos défis, votre sport.

Informations de contact


Ce format est prévu pour les équipes mais également pour les athlètes individuels travaillant avec leur staff.

Une première rencontre est nécessaire afin de pouvoir identifier les thèmes, le format, les outils et méthodes qui seront transmis à l’équipe et/ou au staff. 

L’accompagnement peut se faire sur plusieurs séances tout comme sur une journée intensive et dépaysante ou lors de camp d’entraînement  Nous adaptons notre accompagnement selon les besoins et la disponibilité de l’équipe. 

Dans cette approche collective, le programme mis en place vise à fournir des techniques à l’ensemble de l’équipe et d’autonomiser l’équipe dans la pratique. 

Ce travail est combinable avec des séances individuelles avec les différents membres de l’équipe. 


La première rencontre permet de clarifier les attentes et les objectifs. A la suite de ce premier échange, l’athlète confirme ou non sa volonté de travailler avec le préparateur mental. Un programme est ainsi établi et les séances peuvent être agendées. 

La préparation mentale demande un engagement. Il est primordial de se sentir en confiance avec son préparateur mental. Le nombre de séance et la fréquence sont définis avec l’athlète selon ses objectifs et sa volonté. Notre pratique a pour but de rendre l’athlète autonome.